V All-Ukrainian Conference with International Participation DAIRY WORLD – 2008
November 27-28, 2008
Rus Hotel
Every morning each of us drinks a cup of yogurt or milk, eats a portion of cream cheese or a slice of bread and butter. Within dinner hour, many prefer taking a cup of kefir. Others simply like watching dairy products’ advertisements. Most serious dairy products’ consumers keep a sharp eye on the course of Ukrainian/Russian dairy conflict development.
In this or that way, life of each of us is connected with milk and dairy products. If this is true, then we go towards you. Or, to be more exact, all of you should rather come to us, – to Fifth Anniversary All-Ukrainian Conference with International Participation DAIRY WORLD – 2008.
Each day, each hour dairy business becomes still more complicated. In what way dairy companies can consolidate their positions on market, what products may be relied upon, is it necessary to bring basically new, innovative dairy products to market and, finally, main question: where enough qualitative milk resources can be found ? All these and many other questions will be discussed by participants of Conference DAIRY WORLD – 2008.
Event: V All-Ukrainian Conference with International Participation DAIRY WORLD – 2008
Organizers: Center Derzhzovnishinform, Consulting Company Agrarika Ltd
Date: November 27-28, 2008
Venue: Rus Hotel
Address: 4, Hospitalna St., Kyiv, Ukraine
Format: 2 days
Positioning: representative forum of domestic and foreign professionals of dairy/dairy products’ market
Audience: companies’ managers, business owners, dairy products’ sellers, technologists, marketing experts, investors, bankers, embassies’ employees, authorities’ representatives
| MISSION: Discussion of situation on domestic dairy market and main global dairy market’s segments, establishing of main development priorities for short- and medium-term prospects
Discussions’ main topics:
Problems of milk resources’ production and sale
Dairy products’ industry
Innovative products
Relations: producers – wholesalers – retail sale network – consumers
Milk resources/ready products’ quality
Conference’s information center: Oksana VELYCHKO
tel./fax: : (044) 486 8119, 486 2927
486 1424, 486 8830
E-mail: milk@agroperspectiva.com
www.agroperspectiva.com |
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